Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can I sell replicas cosmetic online?

I want to know if I can sell replica cosmetic online as long as i states that they are replicas. I know its ok to sell products that looks like the original but dont have the actual name on it, but what about products that do have the name of the company but are not original.

I am not selling them for the original retail prices to rid people off. I am selling them for a way lower price, for people who care for quality and not the brand packaging.Can I sell replicas cosmetic online?
Yeah, just don't try to say it's authentic, and don't put the other brand's name on it and you'll be fine...

but remember, being unique is key to a good buisneess !Can I sell replicas cosmetic online?
its illegal even if you say its not original but you can list it on ebay people arent likely to report you as long as you don claim it real

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